This is the typography that used by and it has been implemented on this blog. It's exactly the same from the newest
rockettheme templates.
Notice StylesThis is a sample of the 'attention' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html: <span class="attention">....</span>This is a sample of the 'notice' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html <span class="notice">....</span>This is a sample of the 'alert' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html <span class="alert">....</span>This is a sample of the 'download' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html <span class="download">....</span>This is a sample of the 'approved' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html <span class="approved">....</span>This is a sample of the 'media' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html <span class="media">....</span>This is a sample of the 'note' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html <span class="note">....</span>This is a sample of the 'cart' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html <span class="cart">....</span>This is a sample of the 'camera' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html <span class="camera">....</span>This is a sample of the 'doc' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html <span class="doc">....</span>This is a sample of the 'alert' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html <span class="alert-2">....</span>This is a sample of the 'info' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html <span class="info-2">....</span>This is a sample of the 'download' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html <span class="downlioad-2">....</span>This is a sample of the 'note' style. Use this style to denote very important information to your users. To use this use the folllowing html <span class="note-2">....</span>This is a sample <pre>...</pre> tag:
body { margin:0; color:#7f7f7f; font: x-small "Trebuchet MS", Trebuchet, Verdana, Sans-serif; font-size:small; }
a:link { color:#215670; text-decoration:none; }
a:visited { color:#215670; text-decoration:none; }
a:hover { color:#006699; text-decoration:none;}
a img { border-width:0; }
Blockquote StylesThis is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote>....</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="blue">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="red">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="green">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="purple">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="orange">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="brown">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis.
This is a blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="grey">...</blockquote>Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis.
This is blockquote, you will want to use the following formatting: <blockquote class="quotes"><p>...</p></blockquote>.Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis.
Important Emphasis StylesSample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important"><span class="important-title">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>
Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-blue"><span class="important-title-blue">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>
Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-red"><span class="important-title-red">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>
Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-green"><span class="important-title-green">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>
Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-purple"><span class="important-title-purple">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>
Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-brown"><span class="important-title-brown">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>
Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-orange"><span class="important-title-orange">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>
Sample TitleThis is a span that lets you place all of the content into a nice well formed section. You will need to use the following formatting: <div class="important-grey"><span class="important-title-grey">Sample Title</span>...some content...</div>
Later, I will show you how to implement these styles on your blog. It's easy. Stay tuned..