Aug 23, 2008

Top Panel Module/Widget for Bloggers

A Little Introduction

As you can see on the top, it's a top panel module for displaying any content on your blog. It's suitable for self presentation, legal information or to place any external element to enhance your blogging experience. You can put anything such as your shoutbox, videos, pictures, banners, ads, about me, ... ect. Yes, anything! You have unlimited possibilities about what you want to put on it.

The working area is 800px in the default width and 250px(the best) in the default height. But you always can modify all these parameters on the given source codes.

Browser compatibility: Firefox, IE6, IE7, Safari, Opera, Camino

Installation Steps

Method 1

1. Download the zip file.

2. Extract it to your PC.

3. Upload all files listed below to your server.


4. Open toppanel_html.txt and edit the path and the content to yours.

5. Copy and embed the code into your site. Done!

Method 2 - Copy & Paste (Painless)

Use this generator and you are all set!

With this method, your module will be exactly the same like on this demo page.
The size of the working area is 800px in width and 250px in height.
To embed the code, just add new HTML/JavaScript gadget and paste the code into it and save.

Enjoy blogging! :)

Aug 19, 2008


As you can see on the right side of this page, there's a button labeled 'plug'. Simply click on it and plug your website address and your button URL. Your button URL will be plugged into this page together with your website address. This can help increase your website's traffic! Try it!
You also can use this system on your own website or blog. Visit